Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Palty Hair Dye: Honey Brown (Review)

This is my very first review of a beauty product.
Todays review will be the palty hair dye which is a japanese brand from "Dariya".
This is my very first review, so don't judge harshly if you will. D:

So this is the colour in "honey brown".
For those of you that live in Vancouver, BC...
You can purchase these in stores in: TNT(most of them), Crystal Mall, and Metrotown. :3
If you can't find any palty or other asian brand hair dyes, you can always find them online. <3
I left the hair dye on for over an hour. And yes the longer you leave it in, the lighter your hair will be
BUT, it will get damaged. Thats why, I use treatment for my hair. ^^
So the back represents the results of before and after colour results.
 Note that this product is all in japanese but when you look at the pictures, its pretty straight forward. :3
So in the package came with:
1 bottle of the developer thingy
1 hair dye colour tube
1 comb nozzle
1 package of the instructions(in Japanese), and a pair of gloves.
1 small conditioner

Left(Before) My original hair was kinda like a choco brown to right (After) When I dyed it, it became much lighter.
Because my hair is short, I used 1 box. But if your hair is longer than mine, I suggest purchasing at least 2-3 boxes depending on the length of your hair.
Yes I know. Pretty different right? I also wear glasses, so which colour is better? Or should I take pics wit glasses on or not? XD (Did that even make sense? ._.;; OMG english fail! T_T)
Lol anyway.. Let me know what you think of "honey brown" OR if you have any questions. :P
In conclusion...
Pros:  -Colour is very vibrant
- Hair dye scent is not to strong, so not very irratating <3
- cute packaging
- Very easy (if you find tutorials/or if it seems obvious to you xp)
Cons: - Not enough hair dye + conditioner = box too small
- Instructions weren't in english T_T

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hey guys I'm a n00b! D:

As you all know, I'm new here. I like meeting new friends so add me up. I won't bite. X3
Andddd I'm trying to get the hang of this site so, it would help if you guys can give me hints and tips to getting used to this site. <3 Thanks. - Alyssa.